Monday, January 26, 2009

All Aboard - The Ski-Train

A child-hood memory of mine was re-lived on Saturday. I'm talking about taking a train-trip, on a proper train, not these new age electric-trains, into the mountains. Ok, so the train trip I remember was not nearly as spectacular as a trip through the Rockies, but anyway.

Chris go invited as a VIP guest (luckily I got to tag along) on the famous Ski-Train. This train is an old train which leaves Union Station and goes all the way up into the mountain to Winter Park Ski-Resort.

We got up early at 5:30 and arrived at Union Station Downtown at 6:30am, for our prompt 7:15 departure. We were in the VIP Car, right at the end of the train, where you could act like Harry Truman Waving to his fans from the back. The car looked historical and still had all the old furnishings and decor. We were served breakfast and soon, we all discovered Cranberry Vodka's, which we needed to survive the cold and heavy snow fall.
Boarding the Ski-Train - Still dark outside - brrr

Chris carrying our ski-gear (my personal porter)

Inside the dining car

The bar - mmmmmmmm

Leaving the station - The Denver Sky-line in the distance

Loving the old decor

The views were just amazing, the scenery changing from the misty foothills as we left the city, soon changing, seeing some sunlight and the majestic mountains, tunnels to a snow storm as we reached the high mountains.

Approaching one of many tunnels along the trip
Another snowy tunnel
The amazing mountains scenes

The eerie Mist

After 2 hours we arrived at Winter Park, where we were given ski passes and sent off to explore the slopes. It started snowing even harder, and at time I could not see through my goggles.
The slopes were a little daunting and seemed to merge from Green (the easy ones) into Blues (more difficult), wearing out my legs.
All geared-up

Chris loving the snow - nothing like fresh powder
View of the ski-slopes

After a great couple of runs, some lunch was in order, at a beautiful mid-way restaurant on the mountain. After a warm meal, and revived strength, I was ready to take on the slopes.
Mid-Mountain restaurant

Chris is skiing like a pro, and as his normal self, was very patient with his slow coach wife, either crawling along, or flying past him at some ridiculous speed, out of control.

After getting off the slopes, we all met up and enjoyed a Apres-ski before boarding the train for our trip home. Clearing the snow off the tracks for the ride home.

Dinner and cocktails awaited us as we boarded, and feeling warm and cozy as we left Winter Park, we all admitted to having the most amazing time.

Barely seeing the tracks through the thick snow.

We also met such a awesome bunch of people, some who I am sure will become good friends, true to that Denver friendly manner.
The gals, Leah, Me, Amy and Robin.

Robin and I

The Rocky Mountains

The whole gang!

I was really sore and tired as we pulled into Union Station, sad that the day had come to an end, but so privileged to have experienced it!

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