Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Quality time with my friend in Wyoming

Finally, the time arrived, and I was on my way to Jackson Hole to meet up with my old amazing friend, Toni!

Toni and John, are in the USA, joining John's parents for a holiday in Jackson Hole. We had arranged to meet up there, as we have not seen each other in a year and a half.

I flew into Jackson Hole from Denver on Thursday afternoon. You could not see the runway as we landed with all the snow and mist. When I got my car, I wondered if I would actually be able to drive anywhere, the place looked like Siberia, a white waste land, no sign of anything else. With the heater full blast, and map and my sense of adventure, I pushed forward to find Toni, somewhere in Teton Village.

Jackson Hole in Wyoming is an amazing little town in Wyoming, where many people come to ski. Teton Village is about 10 miles from Jackson Hole. As I drove into the Condo resort where we were staying, I saw Toni waiting for me outside the store. It was amazing to see her and we screamed and hugged, people thought we were crazy.
John and his parents were skiing, so Toni and I got to spend some quality time catching up.

We dropped my bags off and headed into Teton Village (another ski lodge area). We landed up at the Mangy Moose, definitely the spot for Apres-ski. After catching up, John and his folks joined us for a few drinks. I was enjoying the margarita's while Toni, being Preggi enjoyed some fruit juice.

Toni and John, leaving the Mangy Moose

Toni and I got to spend the entire Friday together, before I had to leave on sat.
Having fun outside the Condo

Toni doing a fab job at cleaning the windscreen

We drove in Jackson Hole, and explored all the quaint little shops. This is definitely Moose and Bison territory. Every shop has either a stuffed moose or bison or both. After shopping up a storm, Toni and I headed off fort lunch. Unique arch made of antlers

Toni with a Bison

We found an amazing cafe with good coffee and chai-tea. After lunch, we headed out to explore some more. Driving along, we saw a sign saying" state line - 12 miles". Checking out the map, we discovered that only 12 miles away, was the Idaho State Line. So off we went, driving into some serious snowy weather, over the pass, in low gear, trying to now slip and slid on the icy roads, to Idaho. Eventually, we reached Idaho, jumped out the car, took a photo of us in Idaho, turned around, took a pic of the Wyoming state line sign, and the Sheriff, looking at the 2 gals, who are clearly mad.

The view from the pass to Idaho
Proof that we were in Idaho

After making sure we had the evidence that we were in Idaho, we turned around and headed back.
The gang at dinner at the Mangy Moose - love that name!

Unfortunately, Saturday arrived far too quickly, and it was time for me to say goodbye and head back home. It was amazing to see my friend, and I can not believe that the next time I see her, she and John will have a baby Woollam running around.
Mom and Dad to be

The Jackson Hole Airport - is this the same one I arrived at? No blizzard now....

Love you my friend, Thanks for a great time!

Until we meet again.

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