Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Blogging Break - Off to Sunny SA

I'll be taking a blogging break for 3 weeks, as I'm off to South Africa for 3 weeks.

I have a jam packed agenda, visiting Chris's folks in Durban for a few days, catching up with Adele,Jules, Sylvia Terry and the old gang, preparation for the big day, Adele and Marc's wedding and then a few days in Pilansberg. Oh, and of course my birthday in between.

The only sad part is I'm leaving my amazing husband home alone. I will miss you babe, REALLY wish you could be there with me. I will make sure I stop by Cape Union and get some pressies for you.

I will be back in 3 weeks and will have lot's to share with you all.

Get those G&T's ready!

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