Monday, August 10, 2009

The big cleanse

Or detox, or hell as I would refer to it.

My neighbour, Christina told me about this amazing Cleanse diet she did. So, as I always like to try something new, I embarked on the big cleanse this week. It's called the Ultra Simple Diet.It is focused to first cleanse your system for toxins, and then get you into a healthy eating routine. I decided not to ween myself of coffee, sweets and dairy. Nope, I went from zero to hero, and went cold turkey. The first day was OK, but the 2nd and 3rd were CRAP. I had a migraine on day 2 and a constant headache on day 3, my kidneys hurt and I was totally ratty. But by day 4, I felt fine, no more headaches, kidney ache and alot more energy.

The positives of this "diet" is that it helps improve overall health, increased energy, improved sleep patterns, bowl movements etc.

I still have 2 days to go, but so far so good, and best of all, I've started losing weight. Now I just need to drag my lazy bum to gym, and things will be really going well.

I'll keep you posted on my progress.

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